All saints day

For all saints day we could buddy up or work on our own and make a DLO about a patron saint of our choice, I budded up with Anna and we made a slide with saints on them I did saint Cecilia and Anna did saint Luke. A saint is some one that dedicated their life to God and to help others, they get canonised to become a saint when they die.

Hatchet book cover redesign

W.A.L.T: Choose a activity to do with the book Hatchet.

In our class our teacher fished reading the book Hatchet to the class and we had to do some activity about the book or the Author Gary Paulsen, I decided to redesign the book cover and the back of the book.

Have you read hatchet or any other book by Gary Paulsen?

The Jonah production

On Tuesday the senior class went to McFadden’s centre to practise our production Jonah a fishy tale. My class, room 9 we were pirates and we had to sing and dance to the song Ninevah. i worked as one of the stage hands it was fun, but i still had to do the dance, the senior school performed to over 280 people each class had a different song and dance but we all did the last song Gods love dont stop, the message from the production was Gods love is everywhere and does not stop.

My book cover redesign

W.A.L.T: Redesign the book cover of our favourite book.

My favourite book is beetle and the hollowbones by Aliza Layne. and this is my redesign of the book cover.

This book is about a girl named Beetle who goes to the mall every day to see her friend Blog ghost, then one day Beetles friend Kat comes to the mall then Beetle bumps into Kat and then they have to help set someone free.

Whats your favourite book?


Maori reflection

W.A.L.T: Write a blog post about what we have learnt for interchange this term

This term on Wednesdays we go down to a different class room for a different activity (it changes each term) and this term we are doing Te Reo Maori, I have learnt how to count up to 20 and how to great and an opening prayer and a closing prayer, I liked playing 21 to practise our numbers, for Matiriki we played a Matiriki themed bingo.

Do you know how to count or great in Maori?

Super solar eclipse facts

W.A.L.T: Learn about Solar eclipses or Lunar eclipses

For my reading group we were learning about Solar eclipse and Lunar eclipse and we had to choose one to write facts about.

Lunar eclipse facts:

  1. Some Lunar eclipses can last up to 3 hours and 45 minutes.
  2. The longest duration of totality for a Lunar eclipses is 106 minutes.
  3. There are are three different types of Lunar eclipses.
  4. A Lunar eclipses can occur three times in a year.

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